Elitni odredi - Ljubavna mrznja
Imam mnogo stvari koje sad zelim da ti kazem,
ovog puta bicu otvoren i necu da te lazem,
bar na ovaj nacin mogu da ti kazem sve u lice,
moram da ti kazem da me boli zvuk ove trice,
jar kad je slusam svaki put me podseti na tebe,
a uvek kad se setim tebe ja se extra sjebem,
zasto je to tako posle 'dinu ipo dana,
na srcu mi ostala samo otvorena rana,
zasto svaka kaze da nije sklona prevari,
a cim se okrenes na svakom cosku te prevari,
najteze je kada neko koga volis raskine,
a u dubini znas da njega cisto zabole.. Necu da slusam tvoje glupe izgovore
kada raskid udari i osecanja zabole
voleo sam te vise od svega na svetu
a pogodila si me u srce kao u metu
nadji nekog ko ce te voleti u ovome getu
nadji nekoga na ovome jebenom svetu
uvek drzao sam te kao malo vode na dlanu
zanemario bukvalno bas svaku tvoju manu
dobar sam ti kad ti treba za plakanje rame
posle mebe ostajete ti i tvoje misli same
samo noci i noci beskrajne tame Ref.
To je bas ta,ta ljubavna mrznja
kada nestaje sam taj ljubavni plam
kada rusi se sve kada srusis mi snoveElitni odredi - Ljubavna mrznja - http://ru.motolyrics.com/elitni-odredi/ljubavna-mrznja-lyrics-english-translation.html
znaj da mrzim te jer pored tebe samo tonem Iz jos jednog razloga sada snimam ovu stvar
snimam da te pitam gde je onaj ljubavni zar
koji smo osecali jedno prema drugom u pocetku
zao mi je sto je kraj jer se to oseca retko
dao sam ti sve a tebi nije bilo dosta
nisam jedan od onih koji ce skociti sa mosta
necu da lazem svim svojim srcem sam te voleo
ali da li znas sta me je najvise bolelo
to sto sam uvek hteo da tebi bude najbolje
jer nisam mislio da si kao obicne drolje
posle toliko nadanja da ce ikad biti bolje
posle toliko vremena ponestaje mi volje
jer sam uvek bio ja onaj koji daje
nekako sam znao da cu ipak na kraju ipak da se kajem
ali iako te trenutno ja ovoliko mrzim
sve bih dao da te jos jedanput u narucju drzim
jos jedanput pored mene i da osetim tu strast
da jos jednom smo u mraku i da cujem ti glas
da zatvorim oci da ti kazem da te volim
sreco moja znaj da nikad necu moci da prebolim
ali sve je gotovo sve si oduzela
i polako se priblizavamo kraju moga dela
i samo za kraj da kazem da nije fer
mrzim te kucko mrzim te jer..
Elitni odredi - Love Hate (Английский перевод)
There are many things that I want to tell you now,
This time I'll be open with you and wont lie,
At least this way I can tell you everything frankly
I have to tell you that the sound of this three-pointer hurts me
because every time I hear it, it reminds me of you
And whenever I think of you, I get all f*cked up,
Why is it like that after year and a half
An open wound remained on my heart
Why every girl says she isn't into cheating
But as soon as you turn your back on her, she's cheating all around
It's the worst when someone you love breaks up with you
And you know, deep down, that they don't give a damn…
I don't want to listen to your lame excuses
When breakup hits and feelings hurt
I loved you more than anything in this world
And you hit me in the heart like into a target
Find someone who will love you in this ghetto
Find someone in this f*cked up world
I've always guarded you like the apple of my eye
Ignored literally all your faults
I'm good when you need a shoulder to cry on
When I'm gone, you will be alone with your thoughts
Only nights and nights of infinite darkness
That's exactly that, the love hate
When all the love flame is disappearingElitni odredi - Ljubavna mrznja - http://ru.motolyrics.com/elitni-odredi/ljubavna-mrznja-lyrics-english-translation.html
When everything is falling apart, when you're destroying all my dreams
You should know that I hate you because beside you I'm only sinking
There's one other thing why I'm recording this song now
I'm recording it to ask you where's the passion
That we felt for each other in the beginning
I'm sorry that it ended because that's something you rarely feel
I gave you everything but it wasn't enough for you
I'm not the type to jump off a bridge
I'm not gonna lie I loved you with all my heart
But do you know what hurt me the most
Is that I didn't think you were like the regular sluts
after all the hopes that it would ever get better
After all this time I'm loosing will
Because I was always the giver
I somehow knew that I'd regret it in the end
But although, right now, I hate you this much
I'd give anything to hold you in my arms once again
Once again beside me so that I can feel the passion
To be together, once again, in the dark and to hear your voice
To close my eyes and tell you I love you
My darling you should know that I'll never be able to recover
But it's all over, you took everything away
And just in the end I need to say it's not fair
I hate you bi*ch I hate you because…