Egotrippi - Matkustaja
Yll linja-autossa
Yksi vsynyt matkustaja
Huuruisesta ikkunasta
Katsoo vaihtuvat maisemat
Laskee vastaantulijat
Pyskit kun ohi vilahtavat
Tieten niist mik tahansa oisi voinut olla
Se oikea
Asemalta kaikuivat kuulutukset
Kutsuna jota pakoon ei pse
Nouset kyytiin kerran, oot kyydiss aina
Aina matkalla jonnekin
Minne ikin ptyykin
On puolitiess jostain
Tiet sen varsin hyvin itsekin
On olemassa asioita
Niin kipeit ja vaikeita
Ettei niist puhumalla selviEgotrippi - Matkustaja -
Asemalta kaikuivat kuulutukset
Kutsuna jota pakoon ei pse
Nouset kyytiin kerran
Oot kyydiss aina
Yll linja-autossa
Yksi vsynyt matkustaja
Asemalta kaikuivat kuulutukset
Kutsuna jota pakoon ei pse
Nouset kyytiin kerran
Oot kyydiss aina
Asemalta kaikuivat
Asemalta kaikuivat
Asemalta kaikuivat
Oot kyydiss aina
Egotrippi - Passenger (Английский перевод)
At night in a bus
Is one tired passenger
From misty window
Looks, the landscapes are changing
Calculates the oncoming cars
When stops are flashing by
Knowing that any of them could have been
The right one
From the station echoed the announcements
As an invitation which you can't escape
Once you hop in (to the bus), you are always in
Always en route to somewhere
Wherever will end up
Is at halfway, from something
Knows it quite well itself
There's things
So painful and difficultEgotrippi - Matkustaja -
That you can't survive from them by talking
From the station echoed the announcements
As an invitation which you can't escape
Once you hop in (to the bus)
you are always in
At night in a bus
Is one tired passenger
From the station echoed the announcements
As an invitation which you can't escape
Once you hop in (to the bus)
you are always in
From the station echoed
From the station echoed
From the station echoed
You are always in