Dynamint - Klubi Paradiis
Ma leban voodis käes on hiline tund
Miski närib mu hinge, miski röövib mu und
Sulen silmad, ette kujutan sind
Äkki heliseb mobiil, tuttav hääl - peole kutsub ta mind Riided selga, kaela kullatud kee
Näole kiiresti meik mis parim sai elu sees
Kiired sammud klubi poole ma sean
Kus muusika ja ilusad poisid keda tunnen ja tean [refrain]
Mõnus muusika meid hullutab siin
Saab tunda vabadust mis mõistuse viibDynamint - Klubi Paradiis - http://ru.motolyrics.com/dynamint/klubi-paradiis-lyrics-english-translation.html
Kehad liiguvad, sest tuntud on viis
See koht, mis pööraseks teeb on klubi paradiis Meie pilgud täna kohtusid siin
Mu särav naer vist jälle saatuslikuks sel hetkel sai
Tunded tekkisid ja armusin siis
Ei taha sind jätta, sest sa oled ju nii võrratult hea Tahaks sinuga siin tantsida veel
Kuid sulle ütlema pean on väike takistus teel
Et ma olen selleks veel pisut noor
Tunda vabadust ja vallatusi teha on mu ainuke soov [refrain]
Dynamint - Club Paradise (Английский перевод)
I lay in bed, the late hour in my hands
Something's eating into me, something's depriving me of sleep
I close my eyes, dreaming of you
My cell phone rings, a familiar voice - you invite me to a party
I get dressed, a gold necklace around my neck
I quickly put on makeup, which was better in real life
I hurry to the club
Where there's music and handsome boys I recognize and know
The fun music here drives us into a frenzy
It can feel so free, which takes hold of your thoughtsDynamint - Klubi Paradiis - http://ru.motolyrics.com/dynamint/klubi-paradiis-lyrics-english-translation.html
They're moving their bodies, because they're led by what they know
This place that makes us crazy is Club Paradise
Our pictures brought us here today
My bright smile may again have been the fateful moment
Feelings sprang up and I loved you then
I don't want you to leave, because you're so wonderful, after all
I'd like to dance with you here again
But I should tell you, there's a little problem on the way
I'm really a bit too young
To feel free and have fun is my only wish