Dragonforce - Revolution Deathsquad
Flying over darkened skies the battle will call
Distant angels crying from the eye of the storm
And the world falls under the starlight
Shining from heavens below
Long years of pain and sorrow searching for more
Cry for the touch of angels never before
And the stars fall on the horizon
Onwards and up through the pain
Ride the wind and fight the demon, steel shining bright
Standing together forever onwards, flames burning strong
Hot wind in hell of pain and sorrow now and never onwards
We stare into the dawn of a new world
Cry out for the fallen heroes lost in time ago
In our minds they still belong
When the sands of time are gone!
Rise over shadow mountains blazing with power!
Crossing valleys, endless tears, in unity we stand
Far and wide across the land, the victory is ours
On towards the gates of reason
Fight for the truth and the freedom Gloria!
Searching through the memories to open the door
Living on the edge of life like never before
And the ground chant under the moonlight
Facing their fears all the same
Dragonforce - Revolution Deathsquad - http://ru.motolyrics.com/dragonforce/revolution-deathsquad-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
Heavens fear now open wide and up for the call
All in stark reality the angels will fall
And the world cries out for the silence
Lost in the voices unknown
Blinded by the force of evil, cries into the night
Never before have they seen the darkness now they are all gone
Out from the shadows storming on the wings of revelations
Your soul will feel no mercy come the dawn
Hold on for the morning after never to let go
In the fire's burning strong
When the tides of time roll on
Rise over shadow mountains blazing with power!
Crossing valleys, endless tears, in unity we stand
Far and wide across the land, the victory is ours
On towards the gates of reason
Fight for the truth and the fate of Gloria!
Cry out for the fallen heroes lost some time ago
In our minds they still live on
When the sands of time are gone!
Rise over shadow mountains blazing with power!
Crossing valleys, endless tears, in unity we stand
Far and wide across the land, the victory is ours
On towards the gates of reason
Fight for the truth and the fate of Gloria!
Dragonforce - Revolucija vod smrti (Сербский перевод)
Leteći nad tamnim nebom bitka će pozvati
Udaljeni anđeli plaču u oku oluje
A svet potpada pod svetlošću zvezde
Sijajući odozdo nebesa
Duge godine bola i tuge traže još
Vapaj za dodir anđela nikad ranije
I zvezde padaju na horizontu nadalje i kroz bol
Jaši vetar i bori se protiv demona čelik svetlo sija
Stojeći zajedno zauvek nadalje plamen gori jako
Vruć vetar u paklu bola i tuge sad i nadalje uvek
Mi zurimo u osvit novog sveta
Vapi za palim herojima
Izgubljene pre mnogo vremena
U našim umovima oni i dalje pripadaju
Kad ponestane vremena
Uzdigni se preko senke planine bukte snagom
Prelazak dolina beskrajne suze u jedinstvu stojimo mi
Daleko i široko širom zemlje pobeda je naša
Prema kapijama razuma
Bori se za istinu i slobodu
Pretražujem kroz sećanja da otvorim vrataDragonforce - Revolution Deathsquad - http://ru.motolyrics.com/dragonforce/revolution-deathsquad-lyrics-serbian-translation.html
Život na ivici života kao nikad ranije
A tlo poje pod mesečinom
suočava sa svojim strahovima sve isto
Nebesa strahuju sada široko otvorena i za poziv
Sve u potpunoj realnosti anđeli će pasti
A svet vapi za tišinom izgubljenom u glasovima nepoznatih
Zaslepljen snagom zlih krika u noći
Nikad pre tamu nisu videli sada su svi nestali
Iz senke jurišaju na krilima otkrića
Tvoja duša milost neće osećati dolazi zora
Izdrži za jutro posle
Nikad ne puštaj
U požarima goreći jako
Kada se plime vremena kotrljaju
Uzdigni se preko senke planine bukte snagom
Prelazak dolina beskrajne suze u jedinstvu stojimo mi
Daleko i široko širom zemlje pobeda je naša
Prema kapijama razuma
Bori se za istinu i slobodu