Djani Maršan - Prozor prema zalazu
Lađe koje odlaze,
odnose toplo ljeto s našeg otoka,
odnose zadnje nade, tebe nema tu,
a kiše dolaze. Prozor prema zalazu,
u mislima tvoj lik, sonate i Chopin,
a vjetrove s juga sjetno pričajuDjani Maršan - Prozor prema zalazu -
o jednoj ljubavi što umire Dok plaču krošnje starih borova
zovem te krikom, gubim glas,
sa druge strane našeg prozora,
rađa se novo svitanje,
a nema nas...
Djani Maršan - The window facing the sunset (Английский перевод)
ships sailing away
taking away the warm summer from our island
taking away our last hope, you are not there,
and the rain is coming
The window facing the sunset
in my thoughts your face, Chopin's Sonata
and the winds from the south are wistfully talkingDjani Maršan - Prozor prema zalazu -
about a love that is dying
While the crowns of the old pinetree is crying
I call and scream for you, I'm losing my voice,
on the other side of our window,
a new dawn is being born
but we don't excist