Directia 5
Directia 5

Anii перевод на Английский

Текст песни

Directia 5 - Anii

Anii '80 cu tabuuri si'ncercari
'90 cu succese si ratari
2000 cu sperante si blazari
Cum vor fi anii nostri viitori? Refren x2
Anii care trec nu mai pot sa revinaDirectia 5 - Anii -
Anii petrecuti cu rau si cu bine
Anii cei mai buni sunt cei care'o sa vina
Anii Anii '80 au fost grei s'au dus usor
'90 cu naivitatea lor
2000 intr'un ritm ametitor

Английский перевод

Directia 5 - The years (Английский перевод)

The '80s, with taboos & attempts
The '90s, with successes & failures
The 2000s, with hopes & blase states
What will our future years be like?

Refren x2
The years that pass can no longer returnDirectia 5 - Anii -
The years that took place, with bad (times) & with good (times)
The best years are the ones that are to come
The years

The '80s were hard, they went gently
The '90s, with their naivety
The 2000s, in an intoxicating rhythm

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