Direct-T - Rambo
Ah bir anlatabilsem sana
Içimdeki sevgiyi
Rambo kadar cesaretim olsa
Kaçirirdim seni
Kaf daginda bir magaraya gizlensek
Bulamazlar bizi
Ama bunlarin hepsi hayal
Ah gerçek degil Annen bana saldirmasa
Baban beni öldürmeseDirect-T - Rambo -
Aabinler beni dövmese
Seni hemen kaçirirdim Ah bir koklayabilsem seni
Kimse bizi bulmadan
Bir kerecik mest etsen beni
E çok geç olmadan
Saçlarinla ip yapsan bana
Tirmanirim sana
Ama bunlarin hepsi masal
Ah gerçek degil
Direct-T - Rambo (Английский перевод)
Oh, I wish I could explain to you
Love inside me
I wish I had courage like Rambo
I would elope with you
We could hide inside Kaf mountain
They could not find us
But those are all imaginations
Oh, not real
I wish your mother did not attack me
Your father did not kill meDirect-T - Rambo -
Your brothers did not beat me
I would elope with you
Oh, I wish I could smell you
Before someone sees us
I wish you could enraptured me only once
Before it is too late
I wish you made a rope with your hair
I would climb
But those are fairytales
Oh, not real