Depeche Mode - World In My Eyes
Let me take you on a trip
Let me take you on a trip
Let me take you on a trip
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
And you won't have to move
And you won't have to move
And you won't have to move
And you won't have to move
And you won't have to moveDepeche Mode - World In My Eyes -
You just sit still
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me take you on trip
Let me take you on trip, trip, trip, trip
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Depeche Mode - Svijet U Mojim Očima (Хорватский перевод)
Dopusti mi da te povedem na put
Oko svijeta i nazad
I nećeš se morati pomaknuti
Samo mirno sjedi
Sad pusti neka tvoj um hoda
I pusti neka moje tijelo govori
Dopusti mi da ti pokažem svijet u mojim očima
Odvesti ću te na najvišu planinu
U dubine najdubljeg mora
Nećemo trebati mapu,vjeruj mi
Sad pusti moje tijelo da se pokreče
I pusti da moje ruke umiruju
Dopusti mi da ti pokažem svijet u mojim očima
To je sveDepeche Mode - World In My Eyes -
Ništa više od onoga što možeš sada osjetiti
To je sve
Dopusti mi da te stavim na brod
Za neki daleki,daleki put
Tvoje usne blizu mojih usana
Sve otoke u oceanu
Čitavo nebo u pokretu
Dopusti mi da ti pokažem svijet u mojim očima
To je sve
Ništa više od onoga što možeš sada dodirnuti
To je sve
Dopusti mi da ti pokažem svijet u mojim očima