Death - Symbolic
I don't mean to dwell
But I can't help myself
When I feel the vibe
And taste a memory
Of a time in life
When years seemed to stand still
I close my eyes
And sink within myself
Relive the gift of precious memories
In need of a fix called innocence
When did it begin?
The change to come was undetectable
The open wounds expose the importance of
Our innocence
A high that can never be bought or sold
Symbolic acts - so vivid
Yet at the same time
We're invisible
Savor what you feel and what you see
Things that may not seem important nowDeath - Symbolic -
But may be tomorrow
Do you remember when
Things seemed so eternal?
Heroes were so real...
Their magic frozen in time
The only way to learn
Is be aware and hold on tight
I close my eyes
And sink within myself
Relive the gift of precious memories
In need of a fix called innocence
When did it begin?
The change to come was undetectable
The open wounds expose the importance of
Our innocence
A high that can never be bought or sold
Symbolic acts - so vivid
Yet at the same time
We're invisible
Death - Simbolika (Сербский перевод)
Ne mislim da se dvoumim,
ali ne mogu pomoći sebi
kada osetim vibraciju
i okusim sećanje
o vremenu
kada su godine izgledale mirno.
Zatvaram svoje oči
i tonem u sebe,
oživljavam dar dragocenih memorija
u potrebi da popravim zvanu nevinost
Kada je to počelo?
Promena koja je došla bila je neprimetna
otvorene rane otkrivaju važnost naše nevinosti
toliko visoku da se ne može ni kupiti ni prodati.
Simbolični činovi-tako jasni
a opet su bili nevidljivi.
Draž koju vidiš i koju osećašDeath - Symbolic -
stvari koje možda nisu važne danas
ali sutra mogu biti.
Da li se sećaš kada su stvari izgledale tako večno?
Heroji su bili tako stvarni...
Njihova magija zaleđivala je vreme
jedini način da naučiš
je da budeš na oprezu i da se čvrsto držiš.
Zatvaram svoje oči
i tonem u sebe,
oživljavam dar dragocenih memorija
u potrebi da popravim zvanu nevinost.
Kada je to počelo?
Promena koja je došla bila je neprimetna
otvorene rane otkrivaju važnost naše nevinosti
toliko visoku da se ne može ni kupiti ni prodati.