David Guetta - Without You
Watcha think I was gonna do
pack my things and leave without you
How many times I've gotted proove I'm not leaving without you
Watcha think I was gonna do
pack my things and leave without you
How many times I've gotted proove I'm not leaving without you
I'm not going anywhere (x2) Baby
Without you, without you, without you, without you..
(What you gonna do)
You've got me...?
stab my face to find...?
if you wait for me
then look behind you
I'm gonna find you
Did you .. want to
pack my thing I won't to leave without you
Just how many times am I gonna hate you
Watcha think I was gonna do
pack my things and leave without you David Guetta - Without You - http://ru.motolyrics.com/david-guetta/without-you-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
How many times I've gotted proove I'm not leaving without you
Watcha think I was gonna do
pack my things and leave without you
How many times I've gotted proove I'm not leaving without you
You ... face subscribe to
And I can fake..
... find you
Did you really thing that I was going to
pack my things and leave without you
whatch me fly...
keep on keep on keep on prooving that
Watcha think I was gonna do
pack my things and leave without you
How many times I've gotted proove I'm not leaving without you
Yeah, yeah, Yeah
I'm not goin' anywhere (x2) Baby
Without you, Without you, Without you, Without you
David Guetta - Fără tine (Румынский перевод)
Nu pot birui, nu pot aştepta
Niciodată nu voi ieşi învingător în acest joc
Fără tine, fără tine
Sunt pierdut, nu am rost
Nu voi mai fi la fel
Fără tine, fără tine
Nu voi iubi, nu voi zbura
Nu voi rezista
Fără tine, fără tine
Nu mă pot odihni, nu pot lupta
Tot ce am nevoie e de noi
Fără tine
Fără tine
Tine! Tine! Tine! Tine!
Fără tine
Nu pot şterge, aşa că voi lua vina asupra-mi
Dar nu pot accepta că ne-am înstrăinatDavid Guetta - Without You - http://ru.motolyrics.com/david-guetta/without-you-lyrics-romanian-translation.html
Fără tine, fără tine
Nu pot renunţa acum, nu poate fi corect
Nu pot trece peste încă o noapte fără de somn
Fără tine, fără tine
Nu voi plânge, nu voi pretinde că
Dacă lipseşti, îmi trăiesc viaţa
Fără tine, fără tine
Nu văd, sunt atât e orb
Mi-am pierdut inima, am pierdut minţile
Fără tine
Fără tine
Tine! Tine! Tine! Tine!
Tine! Tine! Tine! Tine!
Fără tine
Sunt pierdut, nu am rost
Nu voi mai fi la fel
Fără tine, fără tine
Fără tine