Dado Topic - Zgazio me život
Zgazio me život
onda kad sam najmanje zaslužio
nisam ni slutio da sam ko staro gvožđe
netko me odslužio Znam, stidjet će se ona, a bila mi je čast
da zbog nje propadnem
al' ne odustajem
mozda sa tobom bolju sreću pronadjem Ja nisam svetac ženskih snova
anđele moj
ako me želiš bez obećanjaDado Topic - Zgazio me život -
bit ću tvoj Ref.
Voli me takvog kakav sam
pomalo grubog jer me život nije mazio
voli me takvog kakav sam
pruži mi ono što ti nikad nisam tražio
iskrena budi, ništa sem toga
da mogu slobodno da kažem
ma, ima Boga
Dado Topic - Life has crushed me (Английский перевод)
Life has crushed me
When I didn't deserve it at all
I didn't even suspect that I was like old iron
Someone served me off
I know, she'll be ashamed, and it was my honor
To fail because of her
But I don't give up
Maybe I'll find better happiness with you
I'm not a saint from women's dreams
My angel
If you want me without a promiseDado Topic - Zgazio me život -
I'll be yours
Love me the way I am
Kind of rough, because life didn't treat me well
Love me the way I am
Give me what I never asked for
Be honest, nothing except that
So I could freely say
There is God