Crystal Lewis - De tal manera me amo
Crucificado por mí fue Jesús
De tal manera me amó
Sin murmurar fue llevado a la cruz
De tal manera me amó De tal manera me amó
De tal manera me amó
Cristo en la cruz del calvario murió
De tal manera me amó El inocente Cordero de DiosCrystal Lewis - De tal manera me amo -
De tal manera me amó
Y por salvarme sufrió muerte atroz
De tal manera me amó En mi lugar padeció aflicción
De tal manera me amó
Ya consumo mi eterna salvación
De tal manera me amó Submitter's comments: I am going to Honduras soon and am in charge of picking out some songs for singing. I like the sound of this song but have no idea what it means. Can someone please translate it? Thank you.
Crystal Lewis - In such a way, he loved me (Английский перевод)
Jesus was crucified by me
In such a way, he loved me
Without a murmur he was taken to the cross
In such a way, he loved me
In such a way, he loved me
In such a way, he loved me
Christ died at the Calvary cross
In such a way, he loved me
The innocent lamb of GodCrystal Lewis - De tal manera me amo -
In such a way, he loved me
And in order to save me
He suffered a terrible death
In such a way, he loved me
He suffered the pain in my place
In such a way, he loved me
Like that he achieved my eternal salvation
In such a way, he loved me