Creedence Clearwater Revival - Who'll Stop The Rain
Long as I remember
the rain been comin' down.
Clouds of myst'ry pouring
confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages,
try'n' to find the sun,
and I wonder, still I wonder,
who'll stop the rain.
I went down Virgina
seekin' shelter from the storm.
Caught up in the fable,
I watched the tower grow.
Five years plans and new deals,Creedence Clearwater Revival - Who'll Stop The Rain -
wrapped in golden chains,
and I wonder, still I wonder,
who'll stop the rain.
Heard the singers playin'
how we cheered for more.
The crowd had rushed together,
trying' to keep warm.
Still the rain kept pourin',
fallin' in my ears,
and I wonder, still I wonder
who'll stop the rain.
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Ko će zaustaviti kišu (Сербский перевод)
Dugo se sećam od kada
Kiša pada još
Sa oblaka se lije
A na tlu je neverica
Dobri ljudi su godinama
Pokušavali da nađu sunce
I pitam se, još se pitam
Ko će zaustaviti kišu
Sišao sam do Virdžinije
Tražeći sklonište od oluje
Uhvaćen u fabuli
Gledah kako toranj rasteCreedence Clearwater Revival - Who'll Stop The Rain -
Pet godina planova i novih dogovora
Smotanih u zlatnim lanicma
I pitam se, još se pitam
Ko će zaustaviti kišu
Slušaš pesmu muzičara
Kako smo se veselili još
A publika je vrištala zajedno
Pokušavajući da se ugreje
Dok je kiša pljuštila
Niz moje oči
I pitam se, još se pitam
Ko će zaustaviti kišu