Coquetry Goddess - Elaheye naz
ey elaheye naz
ba dele man besaz
kin ghame jangodaz
beravad ze baram
gar, dele man nayasood
az gonahe to bood
biya ta ze sare gonahat gozaram bazCoquetry Goddess - Elaheye naz -
mikonam daste yari be soyat deraz
biya ta ghame khood ra ba raz o niyaz ze khater bebaram gar nakonad tire khashmat delam ra hadaf
bekhoda hamchon morghi por shor o shar be soyat beparam anke oo ze ghamat, del bandad chon man kist?
naze to bish az in bahre chist? to elaheye nazi
dar bazmam benshin
man to ra vafadaram
biya ke joz in nabash honaram - come, cuase I don't have any art but it (I have no art but it -being faithful inahame bivafaee nadarad samar
bekhoda agar az man nagiri khabar nayabi asaram
Coquetry Goddess - Coquetry Goddess (Английский перевод)
O Coquetry Goddess
tolerate with my heart / agree with my heart
may this piteous/doleful grief ...
leave my side
if my heart didn't rest
It was because of your sin
come till I forgive you
againCoquetry Goddess - Elaheye naz -
I give my helper hand to you
come till I forget my greif with prayer**
If your rage's arrow doesn't aim my heart...
(I swear) by God, that I('d) jump(fly) to you like a vivaceous bird
who can depends his heart on your grief like me(who is he?)?
this your demur/coquetry (more than it) is for what?
you are Coquetry Goddess
sit in my banquet
I'm faithtul to you
these unfaithfulnesses don't have any effect
(I swear) by God that If you don't inquire after me, you won't find me(any effect of me)