Ciwan Haco - No Title
Can te çi bi min kir
Can te çi ji xwe kir
Te çi bi serê min kir
Te çi bi soza me kir Te ez xistime xeyala
Xeyal ne kûr ne valaCiwan Haco - No Title -
Ez ji xwere di fikirîm
Fikirne dûr ne vala Sebir ji min re nîne
Ez ji kerba mirîme
Xew bi çava nakeve
Hêsir ji xwere tên xware
Ciwan Haco - No Title (Английский перевод)
Dear what did you do to me
Dear what did you do to yourself
What did you bring upon yourself
What did you do with our promise
You put me through dreams
Dreams not deep nor emptyCiwan Haco - No Title -
I think to myself
Thoughts not deep nor empty
Patience is not with me
I am dead of anger
Sleep does not fall on the eyes
Tears come down on their own