Charlie Landsborough - Love You Every Second
Down the years
There'll be days
When we must be apart
So I bought this
small watch
For to measure the time
The inscription it carries
Comes straight
from my heart
To remind you
You'll always be mine
Love you every second
It's simple
But so true
Love you every second
Every second I live
I'll love you
When you feel
You're out fighting
This world on your own
Watch those hands
turning round
And remember that phraseCharlie Landsborough - Love You Every Second -
While there's
breath in this body
You won't be alone
So believe that old watch
When it says
Every moment is precious
So don't waste a one
For you'll never recover
A moment that's gone
Love can sometimes
Get lost
In an ocean of time
But my heart
will not change
And I want you to know
You possess every drop
God allows to be mine
I decided a long time ago
Every moment of time
I'll love you
Charlie Landsborough - Te iubesc in fiecare secunda (Румынский перевод)
De-a lungul anilor, vor fi zile
Cand trebuie sa fim despartiti
Asa cum am adus acest mic ceas
Pentru masurarea timpului
Inscriptia care o poarta
Vine direct din inima
Sa iti aminteasca
Ca vei fi intotdeauna a mea
Te iubesc in fiecare secunda
E simplu
Dar atat de adevarat
Te iubesc in fiecare secunda
In fiecare secunda pe care o traiesc
te voi iubi
Cand ti se pare ca te lupti
Cu lumea de unul singur
Uita-te la mainile acelea care se intorc
Si aminteste-ti fraza
Atata timp cat traiesti
Nu vei fi singura
Asadar, crede acel vechi ceas
Cand spune...
Te iubesc in fiecare secundaCharlie Landsborough - Love You Every Second -
E simplu
Dar atat de adevarat
Te iubesc in fiecare secunda
In fiecare secunda pe care o traiesc
te voi iubi
Fiecare clipa este pretioasa
Asa ca, nu risipi nici macar una
Pentru ca nu vei recapata
O clipa care a trecut
Iubirea poate uneori sa dispara
Intr-un ocean al timpului
Insa inima mea nu se va schimba
Si vreau sa stii
ca detii fiecare picatura
Pe care mi-a dat-o Dumnezeu
Am decis asta demult
Te iubesc in fiecare secunda
E simplu
Dar atat de adevarat
Te iubesc in fiecare secunda
In fiecare secunda pe care o traiesc
te voi iubi