Альбомы и тексты песен Caustic Soda
Прочие тексты песен
- A Road Affair
- Bound to the Connection
- Casualties
- Dregs
- Humour Me
- I Don't Like The Cut Of Your Jib
- Incapably Driven
- Like a Day
- Owls of Laughter
- Part and Parcel
- Part2.awkward
- Photocopied
- Plot
- Reason Being
- Rule of Thumb
- Same Ending, Different Story
- Short Changed
- Shuffle and Scrape
- Stupid Smile
- Suburbist
- The Actor
- The Art of Caring
- Three Cheers For the Fuckhead in the Corner
- Time
- Trampoline Sky
- Tuesday 5pm
- Typical Observation Song
- Welcome To Dumpsville, Population You
- Widdle Wuv Song