Cary Brothers - If You Where Here
If you were here
I could deceive you
And if you were here
You would believe But would you suspect
My emotion wandering, yeah?
Do not want a part of this anymore The rain water drips
Through the cracks in the ceiling
And I'll have to spend
My time on repair
And just like the rain
I'll be always fallin', yeahCary Brothers - If You Where Here -
Only to rise and fall again If you were here
I could deceive you
And if you were here
You would believe But would you suspect
My emotion wandering, yeah?
Do not want a part of this anymore If you were here
I could deceive you
And if you were here
You would believe But just like the rain
I'll be always fallin', yeah
Only to rise and fall again
Cary Brothers - اگر اينجا بودي (Персидский перевод)
اگر اينجا بودي
ميتونستم فريبت بدم
و اگر اينجا بودي
باور ميكردي
اما شك ميكردي
كه احساساتم سرگردانن، هان؟
ديگه قسمتي ازش رو نميخواي؟
قطره باران ميريزه
از ترك هاي روي سقف
و من بايد وقتم رو
براي تعميرش بگذارم
و درست مثل باران
هميشه درحال افتادنم، آره
فقط براي دوباره بلند شدن و افتادنCary Brothers - If You Where Here -
اگر اينجا بودي
ميتونستم فريبت بدم
و اگر اينجا بودي
باور ميكردي
اما شك ميكردي
كه احساساتم سرگردانن، هان؟
ديگه قسمتي ازش رو نميخواي؟
اگر اينجا بودي
ميتونستم فريبت بدم
و اگر اينجا بودي
باور ميكردي
درست مثل باران
هميشه درحال افتادنم، آره
فقط براي دوباره بلند شدن و افتادن