Britney Spears - Sometimes
You tell me, you're in love with me
Like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me
It's not that I don't want to stay
But every time you come too close, I move away
I wanna believe in everything that you say
'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me, you just have to know
Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Baby, all I need is time
I don't wanna be so shy
Every time that I'm alone, I wonder why
Hope that you will wait for me
You'll see that you're the only one for me
I wanna believe in everything that you say
'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me, you just have to know
Sometimes I run
Sometimes, sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and nightBritney Spears - Sometimes -
All I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Baby, all I need is time
Come, just hang around and you'll see
There's nowhere I'd rather be
If you love me, trust in me
The way that I trust in you
Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
All I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
All I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
All I really want is to hold you tight
Be with you day and night
Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
All I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Britney Spears - گاهي اوقات (Персидский перевод)
ميگي كه عاشقمي
مثل اينكه نميتوني چشمهاي قشنگت رو ازم برداري
اينطور نيست كه نميخوام بمونم
اما هروقت نزديك ميشي دور ميشم
ميخوام هرچي ميگي رو باور كنم
چون خوب بنظر ميرسه
اما اگر واقعا دوستم داري، آروم پيش برو
چيزهايي درباره من هست كه بايد بدوني
گاهي اوقات فرار ميكنم
گاهي اوقات پنهان ميشم
گاهي اوقات ازت ميترسم
اما همه چيزي كه ميخوام اينه كه محكم بغلت كنم
درست باهات رفتار كنم، روز و شب باهات باشمBritney Spears - Sometimes -
عزيزم همه چيزي كه احتياج دارم زمانه
نميخوام اينقدر خجالتي باشم
هروقت تنها هستم تعجب ميكنم كه چرا
اميدوارم كه منتظرم باشي
خواهي ديد كه تو تنها فرد براي من هستي
ميخوام هرچي ميگي رو باور كنم
چون خوب بنظر ميرسه
اما اگر واقعا منو ميخواي، آروم پيش برو
چيزهايي درباره من هست كه بايد بدوني
فقط باهام وقت بگذرون و ميبيني
هيچ جا نخواهم بود
اگر عاشقمي، بهم اعتماد كن
همونطوري كه من بهت اعتماد دارم