Brandy - The Boy Is Mine
The boy is mine, the boy is mine, the boy is mine
The boy is mine, the boy is mine
Excuse me, can I please talk to you for a minute?
Uh, huh, sure, you know you look kinda familiar
Yeah, you do too but, umm, I just wanted to know
Do you know somebody named, you, you know his name
Oh, yeah, definitely I know his name
I just wanted to let you know he's mine
Huh, no, no, he's mine
You need to give it up, had about enough
It's not hard to see the boy is mine
I'm sorry that you seem to be confused
He belongs to me, the boy is mine
I think it's time we got this straight
Let's sit and talk face to face
There is no way you could mistake
Him for your man, are you insane?
You see, I know that you may be
Just a bit jealous of me
But you're blind if you can't see
That his love is all in me
You see I try to hesitate
I didn't want to say what he told me
He said without me he couldn't make
It through the day, ain't that a shame?
But maybe you misunderstood
'Cause I can't see how he could
Wanna change something that's so good
Because my love was all it took
The boy is mine
You need to give it up, had about enough
It's not hard to see the boy is mine
I'm sorry that you seem to be confused
He belongs to me, the boy is mine
Must you do the things you do?
You keep on acting like a fool
You need to know it's me not you
And if you didn't know it girl, it's true
I think that you should realize
I'm trying to understand why
Brandy - The Boy Is Mine -
He is a part of my life
I know it's killing you inside
You can say what you want to say
What we have you can't take
From the truth you can't escape
I can tell the real from the fake
But when will you get the picture
You're the past, I'm the future
Get away, it's my time to shine
If you didn't know the boy is mine
The boy is mine
You need to give it up, had about enough
It's not hard to see the boy is mine
I'm sorry that you seem to be confused
He belongs to me, the boy is mine
You need to give it up, had about enough
It's not hard to see the boy is mine
I'm sorry that you seem to be confused
He belongs to me, the boy is mine
You can't destroy this love I've found
Your silly games I won't allow
The boy is mine without a doubt
You might as well throw in the towel
What makes you think that he wants you
When I'm the one that brought him to
Special places in my heart?
He was my love from the start
The boy is mine
You need to give it up, had about enough
It's not hard to see the boy is mine
I'm sorry that you seem to be confused
He belongs to me, the boy is mine
You need to give it up, had about enough
It's not hard to see the boy is mine
I'm sorry that you seem to be confused
He belongs to me, the boy is mine
You need to give it up, had about enough
It's not hard to see the boy is mine
I'm sorry that you seem to be confused
He belongs to me, the boy is mine
Brandy - Dečko je moj (Сербский перевод)
Moraš da odustaneš
Već mi je dosta
Nije teško videti
Dečko je moj
Žao mi je da si ti
Izgleda zbunjena
On pripada meni
Dečko je moj
Mislim da je vreme da ovo raščistimo
Sednemo i razgovaramo licem u lice
Nema šanse da možeš da pobrkaš
Njega tvojim čovekom - jesi li luda?
Ali vidi, znam da ti možeš biti
Samo malo ljubomorna na mene
Ali si slepa ako ne možeš da vidiš
Da je njegova ljubav sva u meni
Vidi, probala sam da oklevam
Nisam htela da kažem šta je rekao meni
Rekao je bez mene ne bi mogao da progura
Dan - nije li to šteta?
Ali možda si pogrešno razumela
Jer ne mogu da vidim kako bi mogao
Hteti da promeni nešto što je tako dobro
Sva moja ljubav je bila sve što je trebalo
(Dečko je moj)
Moraš li da radiš ono što radiš?Brandy - The Boy Is Mine -
Nastavljaš da se praviš budala
Moraš da znaš ja sam, ne ti
A ako nisi znala, to je zato što je istina
Mislim da bi trebala da shvatiš
I pokušaš da razumeš zašto
On je deo mog života
Znam da te to ubija iznutra
Možeš da kažeš šta hoćeš
Ono što mi imamo ne možeš da uzmeš
Od istine ne možeš pobeći
Mogu da razlikujem pravo od lažnog
Kad ćeš da shvatiš?
Ti si prošlost, ja sam budućnost
Skloni se, moje je vreme da zasijam
Ako nisi znala dečko je moj
Ne možeš da uništiš ovu ljubav koju sam pronašla
Tvoje budalaste igre neću dopustiti
Dečko je moj bez sumnje
Mogla bi takođe da priznaš poraz
Zašto misliš da te želi
Kad sam ja ta koja ga je dovela do
Posebnog mesta koje je u mom srcu
On je bio moja ljubav pravo od početka
Moraš da odustaneš
Već mi je dosta
Nije teško videti
Dečko je moj
(refern x3)