Bow Wow - Like You
I ain't never had nobody show me all the things
That you done showed me and the special way I feel when you hold me
We gon' always be together, baby, that's what you told me
And I believe it 'cause I ain't never had nobody do me like you
Now, I done been with different kind of girls
Like I done seen 'em all but ain't none of them at all like you
And I done seen the best of the best
Baby, still I ain't impressed 'cause ain't none of them at all like you
If you know how I feel when I chill
If I'm seen with a girl then she gotta be just like you
And baby, that's the way I feel
And I got no choice but for me to keep it real
'Cause when we first got together started hanging out you was
Skeptical at first had to figure out if
I was the kind of guy to try to dog you out but
I ain't that kind of guy you tried to make me out
You found out when you turned 'to my baby
I showed them other brothers how to treat a lady
I let you drive when I ride that Mercedes
And I ain't trippin' or actin' shady 'cause baby you know
I ain't never had nobody show me all the things
That you done showed me and the special way I feel when you hold me
We gon' always be together, baby, that's what you told me
And I believe it 'cause I ain't never had nobody do me like you
And every time I think about you I fly
When you ride, when you call, when you come I ride
Your love is amazing to me
Can't wait 'til I see you, I wanna be wit you again
And every time you're out on the road, I make a trip
And whenever I'm doing a show, don't you forgetBow Wow - Like You -
That I'm your main chick, who got that game chick
One and the same chick, the one you can hang with
I ain't never had nobody show me all the things
That you done showed me and the special way I feel when you hold me
We gon' always be together, baby, that's what you told me
And I believe it 'cause I ain't never had nobody do me like you
Okay, we hit the mall pop tags spend a few g's in
Hit the runway to a new season
It ain't nothin', [Incomprehensible] the one I care for
Feel like I ain't doing enough that's when I share more
I give you this, give you that what you need love
You know I got it holler at me if you need love
And affection 'cause I'll be your protection
Kinda hard job but I'll do it to perfection
And you can tell that I ain't tryna let you go
I get with you when I can, so that's how I let you know
And you be trippin' 'cause sometimes I gotta go
But you the first one I holler to right after my shows
And I was trippin' in a sense I was tense
From my body loose around you what I'ma do without you
I gotta get it together say whatever
Since, I met you my life seems so better
I ain't never had nobody show me all the things
That you done showed me and the special way I feel when you hold me
We gon' always be together, baby, that's what you told me
And I believe it 'cause I ain't never had nobody do me like you
I ain't never had nobody show me all the things
That you done showed me and the special way I feel when you hold me
We gon' always be together, baby, that's what you told me
And I believe it 'cause I ain't never had nobody do me like you
Bow Wow - Like you (Румынский перевод)
Nu am avut niciodata pe nimeni ca sa imi arate lucrurile pe care tu mi le-ai aratat
Si modul atit de special in care ma faci sa ma simt cind ma tii in brate
Mereu impreuna, draga, asta mi-ai zis
Si eu am crezut (pentru ca nu am avut niciodata pe nimeni ca tine)
Acum, cunoscind mai multe tipuri de fete
Si pe toate le-am vazut, insa nici una ca tine
Si le-am vazut pe cele mai deosebite dintre cele deosebite
Draga, inca sunt impresionat pentru ca nu am vazut pe nimeni ca tine (ca tine)
Daca ai sti cum ma simt cind ma linistesc
Ca daca sunt vazut cu o fata, atunci aceea trebuie sa fie ca tine
Si draga, asa ma simt
Si nu e nici o posibilitate dar eu tot cred
Pentru ca atunci cind ne-am intilnit prima data si am iesit impreuna, tu ai fost
Sceptica, a trebuit sa iti dai seama daca
Eram genul de baiat care sa (te prosteasca ?) dar
Nu sunt acest gen pe care tu ai incercat sa il vezi
Ai aflat insa atunci cind ai devenit iubita mea, draga
Le-am aratat si tovarasilor mei cum se trateaza o doamna
Te las sa conduci cind suntem in Mercedes
Si nu ma prefac pentru ca draga tu stii
Nu am avut niciodata pe nimeni ca sa imi arate lucrurile pe care tu mi le-ai aratat
Si modul atit de special in care ma faci sa ma simt cind ma tii in brate
Mereu impreuna, draga, asta mi-ai zis
Si eu am crezut (pentru ca nu am avut niciodata pe nimeni ca tine)
Si de fiecare data cind ma gindesc la tine pling
Cind mergi, cind suni, cind tu vii (?)
dragostea ta este incredibila pentru mine
Nu pot sa rezist pina am sa te vad (vreau sa fiu cu tine din nou)
Si de fiecare data cind esti in mijlocul strazii la drum, (eu fac un drum)
Si de fiecare data cind dau un spectacol (sa nu uiti)
Ca sunt omul tau
Care are jocul (?)Bow Wow - Like You -
Unul si acelasi (?)
And the special way I feel when you hold me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)
Hit the runway to a new season (season)
Feel like I ain't doing enough that's when I share more (share more)
You know I got it holla at me if you need love (need love)
Kinda hard job but i'll do it to perfection
I get with you when I can so that's how I let you kno
But you the first one I holla to right after my shows
but my body loose around you what imma do without you
Since I met you my life seems so betta
And the special way I feel when you hold me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)
And the special way I feel when you hold me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me lïke u)
Ok, cind apari pe afisele din mall si (...)
cistigi o noua pista pentru sezonul viitor (sezon)
N-am nimic (nu fac nimic decit) sa-mi pese doar de tine
Se pare ca nu fac nimic sa fie destul chiar si cind impart mai mult
Iti dau asta, iti dau ceea ce ai nevoie, de dragoste
Tu stii ca am un gol in mine (?) daca tu ai nevoie de dragoste
Si afectiune pentru ca am sa-ti ofer protectie
O treaba cam dificila, dar am sa incerc sa o fac perfecta
Si poti sa spui ca nu te-am lasat sa pleci
Sunt linga tine cind pot si asa vreay sa te fac sa stii
Si o sa ma impiedici pentru ca va trebui sa plec
Dar tu esti singura pe care as vrea sa o tin (?) in dreapta mea dupa spectacole.
Si ma impiedicam intr-o simtire, eram stresat
dar trupul meu se pierde prin jur ; ce ma fac fara tine
trebuie sa le adun, spune ceva
de cind te-am intilnit , viata mea pare atit de buna