Bombaj Štampa - Bolje Letim sam
U zadnje vrijeme cesto otvaram prozor
sa njega posmatram
u zadnje vrijeme cesto mislim na tebe
mislim na nas U zadnje vrijeme tako tesko je s tobom
jer ti neces da poletis sa mnom u zrak
u zadnje vrijeme skupljam snagu
moram nesto da ti kazemBombaj Štampa - Bolje Letim sam -
spremi se da cujes, spremi se da znas Hajde, hajde, hajde zbogom
bolje letim sam neg' sto letim s tobom
(2x) Ref.
Bolje letim sam i brze letim sam
najbolji sam sam, ti ne trebas mi, znam
ponovo cu sam k'o i svaki drugi dan
da poletim sa svoga prozora
Bombaj Štampa - It's better to fly alone (Английский перевод)
Recently I often open the window
I look out for him
Recently I often think of you
I think of us
Recently it's so hard to be with you
because you don't want to fly with me in the air
recently I gather courageBombaj Štampa - Bolje Letim sam -
I have to tell you something
be ready to hear it, be ready to know
Come on, come on, come on farewell
it's better flying alone than flying with you
It's better flying alone and I fly faster alone
I am the best alone, I don't need you, I know
I'll fly alone again from my own window like on any other day