Opasno, opasno me radi
ovaj rum u cokoladi
to male kaznene su mere
njenog duha iz bombonjere Ponocni program, noge na sto
pitam se gde sam pogresio
dok cekam nocas da javi se Ja zivim za zvuk zvona
spavam kraj telefonaBojan Bjelic - DUH IZ BOMBONJERE -
kraj mene sto bombona
pojest cu sve Ref. Ja i tekila, zacaran krug
muzika dobra, jos bolji cug
dok cekam nocas da javi se Ref. 2x
Opasno, opasno me radi
ovaj rum u cokoladi
opasno, opasno me radi
Bojan Bjelic - the ghost (or spirit, spook ?)from candy-box (Английский перевод)
dangerously, it "works" me dangerously
this rum in chocolate
those are small penalties
of her spirit from the candy-box
night show, legs on the table
i ask myself were I was wrong
while i wait her to call me tonight
i live for the bell ring
i sleep next to the telephoneBojan Bjelic - DUH IZ BOMBONJERE -
there are 100 bonbons next to me
i'll eat them all
tequila and me, vicious circle
good music, even better nip
while waiting her to call
Ref. 2x
dangerously, it "works" me dangerously
this rum in chocolate
dangerously, it "works" me dangerously