Biljana Sečivanović - Zašto me neko ne zaustavi
Pred tobom nemam više tajni
sve manje verujem u nas
najnesigurniji je vodić duše
kao i uvek slepa strast Više i ne znam šta je ljubav
možda sam i poludela
sa mnom sve tone,
čak i ono što je jedino vredelo,
bezgrešno začeto, na vrhu talasa Ref.
Zašto me neko ne zaustavi
sve češće mi se mrak taj dogodi
suze mi krenu i bez razlogaBiljana Sečivanović - Zašto me neko ne zaustavi -
put kojim idem nikud ne vodi Zašto me neko ne zaustavi
učini nešto ili kao svi
pobegni kad me stignu strahovi
a ovaj noćas je na granici Pred tobom nemam više tajni
u sebi bol sam gušila
sve zidove što podigla sam davno
bez muke noć je srušila Više i ne znam šta je ljubav
možda sam i poludela
sa mnom sve tone,
čak i ono što je jedino vredelo,
bezgrešno začeto, na vrhu talasa Ref.
Biljana Sečivanović - Why won't anyone stop me (Английский перевод)
I don't keep secrets from you anymore
I'm starting to lose faith in us
my soul's most unreliable guide
always was blind passion
I don't remember what love is
maybe I've gone crazy
everything I touch sinks,
even that which was worth most
and not sinfull, at the top of a wave
Why won't anyone stop me
that gloom hits me often
my tears flow without any reasonBiljana Sečivanović - Zašto me neko ne zaustavi -
the path I'm on leads to nowhere
Why won't anyone stop me
do something or runaway like
all the others when my fear sets in
but this fear I feel tonight is on the edge
I don't keep secrets from you anymore
I crushed the pain within me
without any effort the night has destroyed
all the walls I've put up so long ago
I don't remember what love is
maybe I've gone crazy
everything I touch sinks,
even that which was worth most
and isn't sinfull, at the top of a wave