BIJAN Mortazavi - Hamraz
آدما آي آدما آدما آي آدما ببينيد زندگي رو چه بي وفاست ببينيد رفتن گل چه بي صداست دست رفاقت نمي ديد حرف صداقت نمي گيد باز مي گيريد بهونه شكوه از اين زمونه كاشكي مي شد مي گفتيد حرفهاي عاشقونه سرم را روي شونه ات مي گذاشتم گل بوسه روي موهات مي كاشتم برات هر لحظه حرفي تازه داشتم برات هر لحظه شعر مي سرودم يكي يكدونه قلب تو بودم برات روزي صداي ساز بودم طنين دلكش آواز بودم ميون جمله هاي عاشقونه منم اينكه برات همراز بودم برام از عشق عاشقا مي گفتي از عاشق بودن دلها مي گفتي يرام از عشق و احساس خدايي برام از خوبي دنيا مي گفتي نمي دونم چرا از من گذشتي همه پلها رو پشت سر شكستي نمي دونم پر مرغهاي عشق و چرا كنج قفس پاشون شكستي بيا و عشق و تو چشمات ببينم برات هر چي گل سرخ بچينم بيا زير و بم فرياد من شو يكي شو با منو همراز من شوBIJAN Mortazavi - Hamraz -
BIJAN Mortazavi - Confidant (Английский перевод)
People, People! People, People!
Look how unfaithful the world is
Look how silent the flower leaving is
Won't you shake hands friendly and won't you say sth honestly
You nag again and grumble of this age again
Hope you'll talk about love
I put my head on your shoulder
And I kissed your hair
I have a new thing to talk with you about, every minute
I sing a song for you every minute
I was the only person in your heart
I was the sound of musical instrument for you one day
I was the beautiful sound of the song for you
Through all the lovely things
I was the only confidant for you
You told me about the love of the lovers
You told me about the lover hearts
Told me about love and emotions of god
Told me about the good things in the world
I don't know why you left me alone
You broke all the stairs behindBIJAN Mortazavi - Hamraz -
I don't know why you broke birds' wings
Next to their cage
Come and let me see the love in your eyes
And pick all the red flowers for you
Come and scream with me
Come and be my confidant