Bathory - Broken Sword
A veil of mist, a foreign coast
The calm before their battle cry
Steel drawn, the line of shields must hold
Through mist, the first arrow, it flies
Battle, hold firm the line in battle
Shoulder by shoulder, brothers at side
We may stand victorious or fall
This fine day, a fine day to die
We shall fight and may die by the sword
Bathory - Broken Sword -
Cutting through flesh and bone, your sword
My brother, our father taught you well
But from behind the unseen blow
Mortally wounded, down you tell
Battle, hold firm the line in battle
Shoulder by shoulder, brothers at side
Silent by my side you did fall
This was a fine day a fine day to die
Brother, I'll keep your broken sword
Bathory - Slomljeni mač (Сербский перевод)
Veo magle, strana obala,
mirna pre njihovog bojnog pokliča.
Čelik izvučen, linija štitova mora izdržati.
Kroz maglu prva strela leti.
Boj, zadržite čvrstu liniju u boju.
Rame uz rame, braća na istoj strani;
možemo pobediti ili pasti
ovog lepog dana, lepog dana za smrt
Borićemo se, i možda umreti od mača.
Kroz meso i kost seče tvoj mač mojBathory - Broken Sword -
brate, naš otac te je dobro naučio,
ali od pozadi, nisi video udarac,
smrtno ranjen, pao si dole.
Boj, zadržite čvrstu liniju u boju.
Rame uz rame braća na istoj strani;
tiho kraj mene si pao
ovo je bio lep dan, lep dan za smrt
brate: Ja ću čuvati tvoj slomljen mač.