Asya - Beni Aldattın
Sormasaydın söylemezdim ama söylemem gerek
Bazen bir saniye binlerce yıl demek
Zorlama hiç boşuna içinden gelmeli sevmek
Bende bir yürek var ki çocuk var olman gerek
Olmadı yar su testisine dolmadı yaa
Ben belki başkaydım sen başka bir aşktaydınAsya - Beni Aldattın -
Bilmedin yar yağmur gibi inmedin yar
Sen belki başkaydın başka bir aşka inanmadın
Kanatlanıp uçsan o kuşu da tutsan
Kafesini açsan da beni aldattın
Bana gözün gibi baksan el üstünde tutsan
Bana dost bile olsanda beni aldattın
Asya - You cheated on me (Английский перевод)
If you hadn't asked I wouldn't have told you but I must say it
Sometimes one second is thousands years
Don't push yourself the love must come from inside
I have a childish heart and this must continue
It's finished my love you're not satisfied
Maybe I was with someone else maybe you were in love with someone elseAsya - Beni Aldattın -
You didn't know my love it didn't fall down like the rain
Maybe you were with someone else you didn't believe in a different love
Same as you hold the wings of a bird so as not to fly
Same as you opened its cage you cheated on me
Same as you're looking me you're holding m hand
Even if you were my friend you cheated on me