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Asim Yildirim

Cennetim olur musun? перевод на Английский

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Asim Yildirim - Cennetim olur musun?

Elini tutsam, dünyanın öbür ucuna benimle birlikte gelir misin?
Bekle desem, dünyanın bir ucunda beni bekler misin?
Denizimde fırtınalar çıktığında limanım olur musun?
Karanlık bastırdığında deniz fenerim, hava açınca yıldızlarım olur musun; bulutlar göğü
kapladığında pusulam?
Mihengim, turnusol kağıdım olur musun?
Yüreğimin suyu bulandıkça onudurultacak iksirim?
Kapılar kapandığında kapım, yollar aşındığı vakit yolum, saklanmak istesem
duvarım olur musun? özgürlüğüm ve mapusanem?
Üşürsem evim olur musun? yorganım, ana kucağım?
çölümde vaha olur musun? vahamda hurma ağacım?
Dağın tavşanı, çölün ceylanı, gecenin hayalleri bağrına bastığı gibi
beni bağrına basar mısın?
şak şak yarılsa bile gökten umudunu kesmeyen kıraç tarlalar gibi umut bağlar mısın bana?Asim Yildirim - Cennetim olur musun? -
Gitmek istersem kanatlarım olur musun?
Kalmak istersem ayağımda prangam?
Hurilerim olur musun? kudret helvam ve bıldırcınım?
Soğanda sarımsakta gözüm yok, tih çölü sürgününde gözüm yok.
Ateş almaya gidersem, kırk vakit sonra dönsem bile aynı yerde beni bekliyor olur musun?
Kavmim beni terk ederse ve ben kavmimden kaçarsam,
bir kez arkana bakmadan arkamdan gelir misin?
Ot bitmeyen bir vadide yalnızca Allah´a emanet edip gidersem,
sen de beni kınamaksızın O´na güvenir ve say eder misin?
Ümidimi kaybettiğim anda ümidim, neş´emi kaybettiğim zamanlarda coşkum,
kalbim işgale uğrarsa halaskârım ve rehberim olur musun? Arkadaşım, yoldaşım, sırdaşım, enîsim,
huzûrum, sürûrum, nûrum, zînetim, nîmetim,
cennetim olur musun?

Английский перевод

Asim Yildirim - Would you be my paradise? (Английский перевод)

If I take your hand would you come with me to the other side of the world?
If I say wait would you wait for me on the other side of the world?
If there are storms in my sea would you be my harbor?
If it becomes dark my lighthouse; if the weather becomes clear my stars; if the clouds cover the sky - would you be my compass?
Would you be my touch-stone, my litmus paper?
Every time the water of my mind becomes murk would you be the clearing elixir?
If the doors are closed my door; if the ways aren't passable my way; if I want to hide would you be my wall?
My freedom and my jail?
Would you be my home if I am cold? My blanket, my mother womb?
Would you be an oasis in my desert? A date palm in my oasis?
Would you hold me as close to you chest as the mountain does the rabbit, the desert does the fawn, the night does the dreams?
Would you bind your hope to me as close as the dead fields bound it to the sky though their soil is splitting?Asim Yildirim - Cennetim olur musun? -
Would you be my wings if I want to go?
My hobble if I want to stay?
Would you be my paradisiac wives*? My manna ash and quail?
I don't seek onion or garlic, I don't seek being a hostage in the desert of Sinai.*
If I go to get fire and come back after 40 times* would you be waiting for me at the same place?
If my people leave me and I flee from my people
would you follow me without have a look back?
If I leave you in a valley where isn't even a blade of grass just committing you to God
would you trust Him without condemning me?*
Would you be my hope in moments I loose my hope, my joy in moments I loose my happiness,
Would you be my hero and guide if my heart is occupied?

My friend, my companion, my secret sharer, the one who prays for me, my peace, my joy, my light, my adornment, my mercy, would you be my paradise?

*In the Quran the beautiful paradisiac women are called 'huri'.

*The onion and garlic symbolize banal things and the desert of Sinai was a historical line which was crossed by the 9th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire by trying to conquer Egypt but I don't have a clue whether this was meant here.

*40 times is the number of praying times that passed, so 5 times a day means 8 days. It is still quite common to use this measure.

*In this verses there are references to Sodom and Gomorra because the prophet Lot had to flee from the city before God destroyed it and he told his wife that she must not look back.
The second one is Abraham who left his wife(Hadjar) and baby(Ismael) in a valley without anything but it was God's order and He gave mother and child the famous water source 'zamzam'; near that place Mekka was founded and Abraham built the Kaba.

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