Альбомы и тексты песен Arrogant Worms, The
C'est Cheese
Christmas Turkey
Live Bait
Russell's Shorts
The Arrogant Worms
Прочие тексты песен
- Billy, The Themepark Shark
- Christmas Blues
- Christmas Hangover
- Christmas Sucks
- Christmastime
- Heimlich Maneuver
- Log In To You
- Login To You
- Oh God, I'm Santa Claus
- Proud T O Be A Banker
- Sam, The Guy From Quincy
- Santa's Gonna Kick Your Ass
- Scary Ned
- Sex, Drugs, And Rrsp's
- The Gaelic Song
- The Hockey Song
- The Same Christmas Cake
- Waiting To Sell Out
- Wong's Chinese Buffet