Armin 2AFM - Chizi Shodeh
Chie chizi shodeh ? chera saketi ? doost dari man nabasham ta kenaret bashe ki?
Shenidam az man delsard shodi be tazegi , shadiato taghsim mikoni ba yeki dige ke Doostesh dari o to rosh hassasi , doost dari aghayede kheili shiko vasvasi ,enghade ono Mikhay ke age ba on boodio mano etefaghi jayi didi nashnasi, Goftam ghoororamam zire pahat bezar leh beshe, rafti nazashti hata doostimon be sal bekeshe , to eyne nadariya vase to har kari kardamo bi marefat nayoomad ye bar be cheshet, har chizi rajebet fek mikardam shod naghshe bar ab, avare amaret badjor hame ja pakhshe alan, kari kardi ke hata zendegi sakht beshe baram , begoo binam ki to zendegit por naghshe alan? Onam mesle mane o taasob dare ro to? doost dare hame joore hefz kone aberooto? Mesle man hazere ba donya ham avaz nakone hata ye done az on tare mohato? Ya ke barax nesbat be to bi arzeshe? begoo chi kam gozashtam vasat? in rasmeshe? Ke javabe khoobimo bedi ba badiat, mage nemigofti fargh kardi ba ghadimat? Khaterato faramoosh mikonam mo be mosho, boro ba har ki ke delet mikhad robero sho
Bedun dige vase man morde kasi ke ye roozi ba donya avaz nemikardam ye done moshoArmin 2AFM - Chizi Shodeh -
khaterato faramoosh mikonam mo be mosho , boro ba har ki ke delet mikhad robero sho
bedun dige vase man morde kasi ke ye rozi ba donya avaz nemikardam ye done mosho Che khosh khialam, be fekre inke dobare to behem zang bezani shaba ta sob bidaram, eib nadare to in shaba ke vase ma sakhte khab, to ba khiale rahatet begir takht bekhab, negarane manam nabash o arom yavash, cheshmato beband bodan az ma daghontarash, ke hala hame chio sepordan be daste faramooshi , khob midonam ke hala ba kase dige hamaghooshi , inaro mibinamo misazam bazam ba ghame to, ino bedoon ye rozi migire aham damaneto, akhe ta man yadame to ba rahati , mano tanha gozashti to oje narahati, kari kardi ke be ye fekre kharab residam, fekre kasifamo hata ta khalaf keshidam , vaghti mididam nisti ama yadet injas, vaghti nemishod mano to baham ma beshim baz.. Khaterato faramosh mikonam mo be mosho, boro ba har ki ke delet mikhad roberu sho , bedon dige vase man morde kasi ke ye rozi ba donya avaz nemikardam ye done mosho. Hanoozam boye atret, chanta dooneye meshki az on moye lakhtet, roye takhte, takhti ke hamishe mishodi rosh to baghalam velo, to ke rafti nemishkondi aghalan delo, ba zakhme zabonet, rasme zamoone ine, rabetehayi ke be ham vasle namoone, kheile khob, dige hame chi basse tamome har chi khoda bekhad hame chi daste hamune, vali bedoon toam ye kam na akhareshi, mane sadaro bego sakhtam ba hame chi, nemikham sare sohbat alaki hey bi mored va she, asan to khobi, harchi to migi bashe, dige esmetam to zendegim bashe nashe, har balaiyam saram avordi naze shastet, behtare aslan namonim baham ma ye lahze, omidvaram dele toam az man bashe khaste! khaterato faramoosh mikonam mo be mosho, boro ba har ki ke delet mikhad robero sho , bedoon dige vase man morde kasi ke ye roozi ba donya avaz nemikardam ye doone moosho.
Armin 2AFM - what's up? (Английский перевод)
what?what's up?why are you so quite?
who do want to be with when you don't want me by your side?
Ive heard that you've just become so discouraged and you share your happy times with somebody
somebody who you love and you're so sensitive onArmin 2AFM - Chizi Shodeh -
and you've got really stylish(chic) and meticulous ideas about want him as much as if you were with him and accidentally saw me somewhere you pretend that you don't know me.
I said let my pride crush under your feet left and didn't let our relationship take one year the peak of lacks I did lots of things for you but you unfaithful..never noticed.
whatever I used to think of you is now too fake for displaced!you're just too notorious've done a thing that even made living hard for me..tell me who's playing the main role in your life now?
is he fanatic on you the way that I have been?does he like to keep you honorable everywhere؟is he just like me not to change the whole world with a single fiber of your hair?or maybe unlike he's just too rubbishy about you?tell me what lack did I bring for you?is what you do the right thing to do?to reply all my kindness with being cruel,wasn't it you who said has been changed from before?
Ill forget every little part of the memories,so now go and face anyone you like!and know that the one who is used not to change the whole world with a single fiber of your hair is dead(2x)
such an optimistic person I am!Im awake all night long thinking that you might call me!no such as nights that sleeping is too difficult for just go and sleep fully rested with your relaxed mood.don't worry for me and slowly close your eyes..there's always been more shattered than us.that now I just left anything to be forgotten.I know well that now you're already sleeping with somebody else.I see all of these and still don't care about pain.know that one day you'll be paying back to much as I easily left me alone with my made me get a sick idea..and my sick idea even went as high as making a crime..when A saw you are not but your memory's still here..when I knew you and I can' ever be "us" again..
Ill forget every little part of the memories,so now go and face anyone you like!and know that the one who is used not to change the whole world with a single fiber of your hair is dead(2x)
the smell of your perfume..and a single fiber of your hair is still on my bed..the bed that you used to come to my arms on could leave and at least don't break my heart..with your harassing words..and this is how it should be going..a ral close relationship may not stay long..alright..that's enough..whatever God may want..everthing's in his control..and know that you're not just a're the maximum(of betrayers)..and I the stupid one..didn't notice any wrong thing..I don't wanna start over a fake conversation.. OK!!you are too good!!whatever you might say is OK!I don't want your name back in my life again!and whatever yo did to me..thanks for them all..we'd better not to stay with each other another minute..I'd hope that you are tired of me also..
Ill forget every little part of the memories,so now go and face anyone you like!and know that the one who is used not to change the whole world with a single fiber of your hair is dead