Биография Ape Fight
A culmination of evolving talents and lasting friendships spawned this powerfully inventive band. The members of this band have had many various music experiences including members of the popular bands Radio4, Teenbeaters, Elefant, and the Lepers, to name a few. But, these musicians started and always found their way back to the OmniProject called Ape Fight! Nestled in view of the Lincoln Tunnel in a dirty, rock-infested warehouse studio(that also houses the likes of Dragpipe, Stellastar, Queen V, and Otto's Daughter!), Ape Fight creates their IntelliGrit tunes and videos with thier soon to be famous SuperProducer - Mod Alien. No where else could they explore thier unique creative ideas in a setting where great music is the goal; you can hear the fun they're having in every song! Meet and listen to what these lads have to offer. Don Ape, Mr. Gamble, M-One, Lil' Danny and Mod Alien make Ape Fight.
Тексты песен Ape Fight
Title | |
1 | You Think We Suck |
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Альбомы Ape Fight
Title | Release | ||
1 | Apefight, Apefight | 2006 |