Биография Anttwon Lewis
"PHENOMANAL HAS NO DEFFENITION BUT BEING YOUR OWN CHAMPION THAT'S WHAT I AM A YOUNG CHAMP" quote young champ. being your self is what makes you you what ever life throws at you take it no matter what it is cherish it even if life throws you something bad cherish it take care of it don't abuse it and it will soon turn to something you want Its always a beatiful day when a young mind of a child is inspired by what it see's everyday.For Anttwon Lewis a mind like his is never noticed untill a once in a life time opportunity happens in a normal day. they say inspiration comes from the people around you, but what about the things around you like art, music, sounds, radio, television,church, etc, and mostly life. Anttwon Lewis is a boy who thinks with his mind and not his penus. Inspired by what he see's he wanted a name for him self, following footsteps of his mother but in the same process leaving his own footsteps behind.When a child says they want to become famous when they grow up its usaully a dream that people always try and crush indirectly. Also can be thought of as the child becoming mentaly crazy, different, stupid, idiotic, ignorant, or they have nothing better to do in life but become poor or end up in jail. which leads to most stereotypes like all rappers are gangsters, drugdealers all they want is to do have sex with girls, get money, do drugs, come from the ghetto is involved with gangbanging and the list goes on. Born in the horn of africa in a beatiful country called Kenya in the city of Nairobi. Nairobi is the capital of Kenya where the yong star was born in the slums of South B in Matter Hospital. Starting at his first boarding school at the age of nine Anttwon Lewis found entertainment night which the school had every saturday. Anttwon mostly memorized songs from the radio and would perform them in front of the school and would have fun while doing it. At the age of ten Anttwon was on his way to the land where they say life is what you want to make it. Anttwon took part in his first talent show in elementry school. Perfoming what was not his work made him feel like he needed to start making his own footsteps on his trail of success. intellegence came from what was around him and so did character. At the start of sevnth grade new opportunities oppend for Anttwon Lewis he met fellow artisrt Yung Wess. The two artisrt made a team and followed by a third member named Young C, and start a group called The Young Soldiers. The trio worked together at times and also at time they had group arguements and dissagreements.At the time Anttwon Lewis was not his name, he went by Cold Cappa. As the schools first talents show was approaching the gropup deciced to declare that as the artisrt outbreak to be seen as rappers. Anttwon audtioned on his own because the group had'nt been declared official yet. As Yung Wess audtioned with another group as dancers. At the day of the show Yung Wess decided to perform with Anttwon and his dance group. Anttwon Lewis performed his first work ever with Yung Wess which came to be known as Minnesota. When the show came to an end it was a succesful outbreak for the two artist. As time progressed the group broke up because to much problems came up and members were not commited so they split up. At the start of eighth grade Anttwon and Yung Wess had a plan coming out as a duo. The plan was going sucsesfull and both artist were commited to what they said was the re-birth of the Young soldeirs. Anttwon started working on there first song of the new year which was called I'm So Fresh. The song was inspired by Anttwon listening to underground texas music with alot of ampling and alot of what they call "Screwed and Chopped". Also the inspiration for the song came from fellow artist Spark A.K.A. Spark Dawg. As the second talent show came up the Group declared themselve as back on what they said "Hustle". After the talent show Anttwon wanted one of his inspirations to be on one of his songs but no matter the song something came up and the song wasnt good enough. So Anttwon just threw I'm So Fresh at Spark Dawg. An instant reply form Spark Dawg saying he likes the song and will have it done by the next day was great news to Anttwon. Before Anttwon went to school he checked his myspace page to find a message from Spark Dawg saying that the song is done and has been sent to Anttwons e-mail, and that he loves Yung Wess. Spark Dawg introduced Yung Wess to his record label called Spark-A-Lot Records, and thus the group was apart again. For good but Anttwon Lewis and Yung wess are the best of friends so they still work together and will always still be a team. During eighth grade Anttwon Had changed his name from Cold Cappa to Young Champ. After Yung Wess was working as a solo artist with Spark Dawg Anttwon started his own solo career. Defrosted Etertainment scout Matt Becker who is also known as Dj Shaggy approached Anttwon and offerd him a non contact record deal. During 2008 Anttwon relased his first mixtape on Defrosted Ent. named Before The Major Deal. As the mixtape released Defrosted Ent. did not help promote Anttwons work. Anttwon kept working hard like he started by him self. Working like a Ceo on his own he decied to start his own record label called Nasty Mouth Entertainment. the label was not taking of like Anttwon planned. So he decide to keep working with Defrosted Ent.as time passed by Anttwon found fellow artist Cannon and Pete Crack. He worked with both artist daily recording new songs with them daily and a new friendship was born between the three artists. As Anttwon was finishing his year in nineth grade at Anoka High School he decided he wants to take a break with his music over ther the summer, and to start again afterv the summer After the long summer Anttwon started working with fellow artist Pete Crack agian. They then released a new song called "Lights Camera Action" the song was a succses for the young star, but Anttwon felt that he has alot of work to do to build himself as an artist. Anttwon released his Last song of the year 2008 called "A New Gurl" Ft Feddaro. Anttwon felt like he had to start a new with his music and more, he felt like the name Young Champ was holding him back from what he really was so then it brought him to the name Anttwon Lewis. The reason for this name is because Lewis is his name at birth given by his mother and Anttwon was a Name given by him to cover up what struggles, suffer or anything bad in the past. Thus a new star was born Attwon Lewis. He then decided to start and Re-release him self as the solo artist he is at the new year of 2009. Anttwon left Defrosted because they were not a commited buissness to work with and they never did any thing they told Anttwon they would do to expand his carrer. Anttwon Lewis started his own Major record label named Tropical records. Which has signed its first three artist and has found its forth artist. Tropical records started as sucsess and will keep on sucseeding. Anttwon's new record label is dedicated to all of its artist and signs any Genre of music from any where in the world. Anttwon Says that this is a new opporttunity to show people what the art of music is and a way to keep loyal to every artist who does'nt want to be sucked into troouble by unfaithful record lables. Anttwon will stay CEO but says he still wants to work and get a Major deal that was'nt given by him self and either way he says " MY PROMISE TO MY SELF IS TO NEVER LET GO OF WHAT I WANT IF I LIKE IT AND WANT IT I GO GET IT". As Tropical Records comes to its first year and Anttwon Lewis finally settling down in the studio his debut album is to be release by June 21st on the first day of summer with his first single called summer time Anttwon Has dedicated his time to make the biggest hit the world will ever hear a 16 year old release. The song titled Summer time is a sampled song from the hit called Shempi Produced by a group from New York Called Ratatat. When asked about the song Anttwon replied "Writing a song that everybody likes is just making a song making a song that people can listen to and say i can relate to that or i like to something similar is what i consider as music. music was put from the heavens to earth music makes you feel a curtain way that not even weed can make you feel" TO THE WORLD I GIVE YOU ANTTWON LEWIS A YOUNG STAR ON THE RISE
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