Andreea Banica - Nu ma mai iubesti
Nimeni nu stie ce simt
M-am saturat sa ma mint R: Stiu ca nu ma mai iubesti
O simt in ochi cand ma privesti
Azi imi pare atat de rauAndreea Banica - Nu ma mai iubesti -
Ca ti-am dat sufletul meu Stiu ca nu ma mai iubesti
O simt in glas cand imi vorbesti
Astazi stiu voi regreta
Ca ti-am dat inïma mea
Andreea Banica - You don't love me anymore (Английский перевод)
Nobody knows what I feel inside
I got tired of deceiving myself
I know you don't love me anymore
I can see it in your eyes as you look at me
Now I' feel really sorryAndreea Banica - Nu ma mai iubesti -
About having given you my soul.
I know you don't love me anymore
I can hear it in your voice as you speak to me
Now I know I'm going to regret
Having given you my heart.