Allegro Band - Neka ide život
Šta je trebalo?
Zbog nekoga da bolujem ili da se otrujem?
Hvala, ipak ne!
Volim život svoj, baš je dobro biti ja,
Svašta sam preživela, preživeću sve REF:
Ma neka ide život ja se ne žurim,Allegro Band - Neka ide život -
Jer dobijam ponekad, nekad izgubim
A, novi je početak, svaki novi dan,
Svako živi život svoj, ja ću kako znam Samo zamisli da je ovo srećan dan,
Da je ovo prvi dan novog života
Vreme prolazi, srećna ili nesrećna,
Uzmi sreću, zgrabi je, jer ti pripada...
Allegro Band - Let life take it's course (Английский перевод)
What was I supposed to do, to suffer because
of someone else or poison myself?
thanks, but no thanks
I love my life, it's good to be me
I've overcome many obstacles, I'll overcome anything
Well, let life take it's course, I'm in no hurryAllegro Band - Neka ide život -
because sometimes I win, sometimes I lose
but every day is a new beginning
everybody lives their own lives, I'll manage on my own
Just imagine this is a happy day
that this is the first day of your new life
time passes, whether you're happy or unhappy
take that happiness, grab it, because it belongs to you