AliReza Eftekhari - Sayyad
چون صيد به دام تو به هر لحظه شکارم
ای طرفه نگارم
از دوری صياد دگر تاب ندارم
رفتست قرارم
چون آهوی گمگشته به هر گوشه دوانم
تا دام در آغوش نگيرم نگرانم
از ناوک مژگان چو دو صد تير پرانی
If you look at me so you'll be pleasant
Like a sunlight if you go away
Woe unto my dark nights
I am trapped by your hair
I'll wash the street where you live with my tearsAliReza Eftekhari - Sayyad -
با حال نزارم برخيز که داد از من بيچاره ستانی
بنشين که شرر در دل تنگم بنشانی
تا آن لب شيرين به سخن باز گشايی
خوش جلوه نمايی
ای برده امان از دل عشاق کجايی
تا سجده گذارم
so that I pray(worship) you
جانم برهاند
ور نه ز وجودم اثری هيچ نماند
جز گرد و غبارم
But my particles.
AliReza Eftekhari - Sayyad (Английский перевод)
Every moment I am a prey entrapped by you
Oh my precious beauty
I no longer have the patience to be away from the hunter
I've lost my calm
Like a lost deer I run to every corner
I will be unsettled until I embrace the trap
From the bow of your eyelashes, if you release two hundred arrows,
to rest on my heart
If you hide your face like the sunlight
I am entrapped by those strands of hair
I will wash the path of your alley with tears from my eyesAliReza Eftekhari - Sayyad -
*Don't know how to translate exactly. Means something like, being terribly ill and unwell
Rise to get back(?) your right from poor me
Sit to set flames on my grieving (literally tight) heart
To open those sweet lips to talk
To appear beautifully
Oh who has taken calm away from the hearts of the lovers, where are you?
So that I may worship you
If the wind carries your scent to my abode
It will save my soul
ور نه ز وجودم اثری هيچ نماند
جز گرد و غبارم
جز گرد و غبارم