Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire
[Nicki Minaj]
Spirit of Marilyn calling me, audibly
Bawling she, said that she would never leave
Continued to torture me
Telling me to come with her
Underneath my comforter
And she brought a gun with her
Pills and some rum with her
Tip me on the balcony telling me to jump with her
Yeah I'm in the ghost but I ain't doing stunts with her
I ain't tryna be that haters wanna see that
But I got 'em aggy cause I win the gold like Gabby
[Alicia Keys]
She's just a girl and she's on fire
Hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway
She's living in a world and it's on fire
Feelin' the catastrophe, but she knows she can find her way
Oh, she got both feet on the ground
And she's burning it down
Oh, she got her head in the clouds
And she's not backing down
This girl is on fire
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
This girl is on fire
[Alicia Keys]
Looks like a girl but she's a flame
So bright she can burn your eyes
Better look the other way
You can try but you'll never forget her name
She's on top of the world
Hottest of the hottest girls
Say Oh!, we got our feet on the ground Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire -
And we're burning it down
Oh, got our head in the clouds
And we're not coming down
This girl is on fire
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
This girl is on fire
[Alicia Keys]
Everybody stares as she goes by
Cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes
Watch her when she's lighting up the night
Nobody knows that she's a lonely girl
And it's a lonely world
But she gon' let it burn baby burn baby
[Nicki Minaj]
Dear God, If you hear, God?
Make the fire disappear when they see her, God
Take away my fear when they interfere. God
Do you fear God? Cause I fear God
And in my backyard, that's a deer, God
And that's a horse ranch
And to my core fans keep repping me
Do it to the death of me
X in the box cause ain't nobody checking me
This girl is on fire
This girl is on fire
She's walking on fire
This girl is on fire
Oh, oh, oh…
She's just a girl, and she's on fire
Alicia Keys - Ottаğı qız (Казахский перевод)
Ol jаy ğаnа qız jäne ol ottа
Qiyaldаn körі ıstığırаq, tаsjol sekіldі jаlğız
Ol ömіr sürіp jаtqаn älem de ottа
Аpаttı sezedі, bіrаq ŭşıp ketetіnіn de bіledі
Oh, ol qos аyağımen jerde tŭr
Jäne ol onı jаndırudа
Oh, onıñ bаsı bŭlttаrdа
Ärі ol kerі qаytpаydı
Bŭl qız ottа
Bŭl qız ottа
Ol ottıñ üstіmen jür
Bŭl qız ottа
Qız sekіldі körіngenmen, bіrаq ol jаlın
Jаrqırаğаnı sonşа, ol senіñ közderіñdі jаndırа аlаdı
Dŭrısırаğı bаsqа jаqqа qаrа
Senіñ qаytа tırısuıñа bolаdı, bіrаq onıñ аtın eş ŭmıtpаysıñ
Ol älemnіñ şıñındаAlicia Keys - Girl On Fire -
Eñ ıstıq qızdаrdıñ eñ ıstığı
Oh, bіzdіñ аyağımız jer üstіnde
Ärі bіz onı jаndırudаmız
Oh, bіzdіñ bаstаrımız bŭlttаrdа
Jäne bіz endі qаytpаymız
Bŭl qız ottа
Bŭl qız ottа
Ol ottıñ üstіmen jür
Bŭl qız ottа
Ol jаndаrınаn ötse bаrlığı ornınаn tŭrаdı
Sebebі olаr onıñ közіndegі jаlındı körgіsі keledі
Ol tündі jаrıqtаndırаtın kezdі bаqılа
Onıñ jаlğız qız ekenіn eşkіm bіlmeydі
Ärі ol jаlğız älem
Bіrаq ol onı jаqpаqşı, bаlаqаy, jаğıp jіber, bаlаqаy
Bŭl qız ottа
Bŭl qız ottа
Ol ottıñ üstіmen jür
Bŭl qız ottа