Albanian Folk - Menushi
Zgjo Minushi, zgjo Birbili, zgjo Resul Aga Ishin mbledhur dhe po pinin ne nje kafene Te bukur grua qe paske bre Menush Aga Ku e njeh, ku e ke pare qe ma molloin E pashe nje dite ne krua qe po mbushte uje I dhashe shamine e dores, ajo ma pastroj I thashe nja dy tre fjale ajo mi pranoj Minush Agai qe i pire vajti ne shtepiAlbanian Folk - Menushi -
Mori thiken dhe e their o gruan e tij Te nesmen qe i del rakia vajti tek varri Cohu grua, cohu vishu se une bera faj Cohu grua, dil nga varri se une bera faj Cohu vishu e stolisu dil ne shoqeri/Stand and put your clothes, make up, and jewelry on to see your friends (more nonsensical calling of a dead person... it just gives the audience a really awkward feeling and makes them feel his pain... or maybe non-pain Cohu vishu e stolisu, dil ne shoqeri Te te shohin gjithe bota dhe une i mjeri
Albanian Folk - Menushi (Английский перевод)
Awake Minushi, awake Birbili, awake Sir Resul (an "elegant" way of saying... one morning, such and such woke up... in Albanian culture)
Had gathered and were drinking in a café
What a beautiful wife you have Menush Aga!
Where do you know her from, where did you see her that you talk so much about her?
I saw her at the spring one day while she was drawing water
I gave my handkerchief, she cleaned it for me (this shows that she did not mind being in a sense "intimate" with his friend)
I told her two three words, she accepted them (basically he would have said something sexual and she seemes to have liked it)
Sir Minush went home drunk that dayAlbanian Folk - Menushi -
Took the knife and slained his wife
The next morning, when sober he went to her grave
Raise my dear wife from your grave because I made a terrible mistake
Raise my dear wife, come out of your grave because I made a terrible mistake (this is such a childish and absurd cry that shows him going crazy, not holding himself, crying like a baby "i made a mistake")
Stand and put your clothes, make up, and jewelry on to see your friends
So that the whole world can see you and so can the poor me (in a sense, I feel like I don't deserve to live anymore from all of this, please make it go away, make it like before! let's go meet people... as many as you want!)