Alban Skenderaj - Njehere Ne Jet
Me sa duket ket nate do ta kujtoj
me sa duket neser nje drit e re do te me zgjoj
pse me thua te dua e pse e ndjej
pse kur je ti me mua eren e saj me nuk e gjej refren:
ti je ajo qe po sfidon
ate qe koha dot nuk po e sheron
ti e di se qfare me mundon muaAlban Skenderaj - Njehere Ne Jet -
je ajo qe vjen 1 her ne jet sa dua te dua
por ti e di se une nuk them aq leht te dua por
je ajo qe vjen 1 her ne jet nje her ne jet me sa duket ket her sdo refuzzoj
mesa duket tani zemren tende do ndaloj
ti me thua te dua e une e ndjej
dhe kur je ktu me mua ndjenjen dot nuk e genjen
ti je ajo qe po ndriqon, po ndriqon aty ku dielli dot nuk po deperton
Alban Skenderaj - Once in a Lifetime (Английский перевод)
it looks as if this is gonna be a night to remember
it looks as if tomorrow a new light will wake me
why do you say "i love you", and why do i feel it
why is it that when you're with me, i don't find her wind anymore( i guess he's talking about a past lover)
you are the one who defies
that which time cannot heal
you know exactly what stresses meAlban Skenderaj - Njehere Ne Jet -
you are the one who comes only once in a lifetime, how much i want to love
but you know saying "i love you" is difficult for me
but you are that which comes once in a lifetime
it looks like, this time around, i won't refuse (love)
from the looks of it, i will stall your heart now
you say you love me, and i can feel it
and when you're here with me, i can't lie to my feelings
you are that which shines, you even shine there where the sun does not pierce(reach)