Al. O. Teodoreanu - Lied
Toamna a trecut
Peste parcul mut.
Tainicule dor,
În zadar te-alint!
Trandafirii mor,
Visurile mint. Toamna fuge-acum,
Învelitã-n fum.
Unde-i, de argint,Al. O. Teodoreanu - Lied -
Glasul ei sonor?
Trandafirii mint,
Visurile mor. Toamna mi te ia,
Vis stingher, cu ea.
Lacrimã de dor,
Strop de mãrgãrint,
Trandafirii mor,
Visurile mint.
Al. O. Teodoreanu - Lied (Английский перевод)
The autumn has passed
Over the silent park
Secret longing
I confort you in vain
Roses die
Dreams lie.
The autumn is running now
Warped in smoke
Where isAl. O. Teodoreanu - Lied -
Her loud silver voice?
Roses lie
Dreams die.
The autumn takes you away from me
With it, my lonely dream
Longing tear
Pearl drop
Roses die
Dreams lie.