Aktoriu Trio - As Mylejau Tave Tau Nezinant
As mylejau tave tau nezinant, tau nezinant tave as myliu
Mano meile plati kaip zvaigzdynas kaip zydejimas lauko geliu
Mano meile plati kaip zvaigzdynas kaip zydzjimas lauko geliu
Ar mylejai mane nezinojau, ar mylesi paklausti bijau
Eisiu eisiu rugsejui laðsojant i tave kaip lygðiolei ejau
Eisiu eisiu rugsëjui laðsojant i tave kaip lygðiolei ejauAktoriu Trio - As Mylejau Tave Tau Nezinant - http://ru.motolyrics.com/aktoriu-trio/as-mylejau-tave-tau-nezinant-lyrics-english-translation.html
Velu vakarà rudeni pilkà kai zvaigzdes nuo salcio virpes
Vesi kelià i tolimà ilgà pasitiksi per nakti liudes
Mylesiu tave tau nezinant meile ves tuo dulketu keliu
Amzina ir plati kaip zvaigzdynai kaip zydejimas lauko geliu
Aktoriu Trio - I loved you without you knowing (Английский перевод)
I loved you without you knowing
Without you knowing, I love you still
My love is as wide as constellations
As the blooming of flowers in fields
Whether you loved me, I did not know
Will you love me, I'm afraid to ask
I will go, I will go, as September rains
Into you as I have up to now
Late in the evening, a gray autumn
Your voice will echo through the fogs
It will call to the road, a long one
It will greet and guide through the night
And I will love you without you knowing
Love will lead me on the dusty road
Eternal and as wide as constellations
As the blooming of flowers in fields...
Aktoriu Trio - As Mylejau Tave Tau Nezinant - http://ru.motolyrics.com/aktoriu-trio/as-mylejau-tave-tau-nezinant-lyrics-english-translation.html