Ahmet Kaya - nerden bileceksiniz?
Üstüm baþým toz içinde
Önüm arkam pus içinde
Sakallarým pas içinde
Siz benim nasýl yandýðýmý
Nerden bileceksiniz
Bir fidandým devrildim
Fýrtýnaydým duruldum
Yoruldum çok yoruldum
Siz benim neler çektiðimi
Nerden bileceksiniz
Taþ duvarlar yýkýp geldim
Demirleri söküp geldim
Hayatýmý yýkýp geldim
Siz benim neden kaçtýðýmý
Nerden bileceksiniz
Ahmet Kaya - nerden bileceksiniz? - http://ru.motolyrics.com/ahmet-kaya/nerden-bileceksiniz-lyrics-english-translation.html
Gökte yýldýz söner þimdi
Annem beni arar þimdi
Sevdiðim var kanar þimdi
Siz benim niye içtiðimi
Nerden bileceksiniz
Bir pýnardým kan oldum
Yol kenarý han oldum
Yanýldým ah ziyan oldum
Siz benim neden sustuðumu
Nerden bileceksiniz
Ben ardýmda yaþ býraktým
Aðlayan bir eþ býraktým
Sol yanýmý boþ býraktým hey
Siz benim kime küstüðümü
Nerden bileceksiniz
Ahmet Kaya - How is it possible that you can know (Английский перевод)
I feel like my body and clothes are dusty
I feel like my future and past are dirty
I feel like my beard is now like rust
How is it possible that you can know,
how i am burning
I was like a sapling, now i am withered
I was like storm, now i stoped blowing
Now i am tired, very tired
How is it possible that you can know
what i passed through
I broked walls of stone
I moved out iron
I ruined my life and now i am here
How is it possible that you can know
why i escaped from my own life
In the sky a star is going off nowAhmet Kaya - nerden bileceksiniz? - http://ru.motolyrics.com/ahmet-kaya/nerden-bileceksiniz-lyrics-english-translation.html
My mother is searching for me now
I have a lover and she is bleeding now
But how is it possible that you can know
why i am drinking...
I was like a lake of water, now one of blood
I am like a 'han' next to the road
I made mistakes and now i am burning
how is it possible that you can know
why i am not talking
I left a tear behind me
I left a crying wife
I left my left side empty hey
How is it possible that you can know
why i am so angry... ( at everyone/world)