Adrian Gadžа - Me mungon
Mbeta vet, dhe tani e kuptova une shume mire
se pa ty e kam shume veshtire
nate e rend e akrepat nuk levizin dot
pa ty jeta kotet si e kot
pa ty jeta kotet si e kot E para syve beheshin se me jane shok
un ju besoja betohesha me koke
po kurre se kisha dit as ne ender se kam prit
mbeta vet pa ty une ne ket jete Me mungon un te betohem pasha kta dy syt
me mungon nuk shkon jeta pa tyAdrian Gadžа - Me mungon -
me mungon si hena nates shume e kam veshtir
pa ty zemer kurre nuk behet mire Kur te kisha prane ndjehesha mbret ne kete bot
e tani qe ste kam qaj me lot
sikur kohen te kthehej moj
do te dija cka te bej
mire po lumturija jone mbaroj Me mungon un te betohem pasha kta dy syt
me mungon nuk shkon jet pa ty
me mungon si hena nates shume e kam veshtir
pa ty zemer kur nuk behet mire Submitter's comments: Can someone translate this song to English?
Adrian Gadžа - Me mungon (Английский перевод)
i was left alone, and now i understood very clearly
that without you its very hard
tough nights, the "second shower" (the thing in clocks that shows the seconds) is not moving.
without you the life is worthless
and in front of my eyes they pretend to be my friends
i believed you, and i pretended (?)
but i never would have known, and i have not waited it to come in the dreams
that i was left without you, in this life
i miss you, and i swear to you on these two eyes
i miss you and the life doesn't work without you
i miss you like the night-moon, its very hard for me.
without you darling, it will never be good.
when i had you close, i felt like a king in this world
and now that i dont have you, i cry with tears
like the time that comes back (?)
I would know what to do
but our happiness ends
Adrian Gadžа - Me mungon -