4M - Idem i ja
Hajmo provest prije podne
skupa u zoološkom parku,
I pripremit neku novu psinu i varku:
Pustit lava koji spava iz kaveza svog,
I na ljudima promatrat efekat od tog. REF:
Idem i ja, - Ne, ti ne, (x3)
A zašto ne, -Zato jer ne Hajmo danas poslije podne
od četiri svi skupa u kino.
Imam odličnu ideju i biće nam fino:
U tišini ispalit metak iz revolvera mog,4M - Idem i ja - http://ru.motolyrics.com/4m/idem-i-ja-lyrics-english-translation.html
I na licima promatrat efekat od tog. Ref. Hajmo stati ispred banke
i pričat u panici o tom:
Kako nažalost je banka pred pravim bankrotom,
Kako uložene novce ne spasi ni Bog,
I na licima promatrat efekat od tog. Ref. Sad za koji dan-dva zove žena,
za vlastiti sprovod.
Garantiram puno suza i odličan provod.
A kad poklopac se digne sa sanduka mog,
Vi promatrajte tad na svima efekat od tog. Ref.
4M - I'm going too (Английский перевод)
Let's spend forenoon
together in Zoo park
and prepare some new sharm:
Let a lion that is alseep from his own cage,
and then watch people's reaction from that.
I'm going too, - No, you can't, (x3)
And why not, - Because you can't
Let's go today in afternoon
at 4 o'clock, together to the movies.
I have an excellent idea and we'd have great time:
Fire a bullet in the silenece from revolver of mine,4M - Idem i ja - http://ru.motolyrics.com/4m/idem-i-ja-lyrics-english-translation.html
and then watch effect on the faces because of that.
Let's stand in front of a bank
and talk in panic about:
How, unfortunately, bank is before real bankruptcy,
How even God doesn't save invested money,
and then watch an effect on faces because of that.
Now, after a day or two, wife calls
for her own funeral.
I guarantee lots of tears and great time.
And when the lid of my crate opens,
and then you watch reactions on everyone because of that